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Maya Topf - group leader
Short Academic Biography
2020 - Professor, CSSB, LIV and UKE, Hamburg
2016 - Full Professor, ISMB and Birkbeck, University of London
2013 - Reader, ISMB and Birkbeck, University of London
2012 - Lecturer, ISMB and Birkbeck, University of London
2006 - MRC Career Development Fellow: ISMB and Birkbeck, London
2003 - Post-doctoral research: University of California San Francisco (Andrej Sali lab)
2002 - D.Phil: University of Oxford
Research Interests & Current Project
3D electron microscopy image analysis;
Structures of macromolecular assemblies by data integration
Viral protein-protein interaction networks;
Modelling of membrane proteins and small-molecule interactions;
Herpesviruses, pore-forming proteins, ligand-gated ion channels, microtubule complexes
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